Transform into a Bat

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Transform into a Bat
At Dusk you transform into a bat,and at Dawn you transform back.

Casting Instructions for 'Transform into a Bat'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your voice
  • Belief that it will work
  • Night time/or Sunset
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your voice
  • Belief that it will work
  • Night time/or Sunset
1.)Say This at Sunset or at Night,(inside or outside)''By the secret of the dark and the song of moonlight,cloak me with a (Type of bat's) wings and transform me at the dim of each day's light.

2.Imagine yourself turning into a bat,will it to happen.

3.You will transform at sunset every day than transform back at dawn.

Side Effects:

Back,shoulder and arm pain.
Two sharp fangs will grow in the front of your mouth.
Perfect Night Vision.
A craving for whatever your breed of bat eats.
Anxiety when your in a bright area.
Skin burns more easily.


Added to on Feb 03, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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As cool as this would be (I LOVE bats) you cannot turn into a bat! Physical transformation is impossible in nature therefore it’s impossible in magick

Jun 14, 2019
I see what you mean, but nature does have some instances of physical changes; a great one is the physical transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly. If that can happen, then fully using a P-Shift can work.

Jun 14, 2019
true, but that is a natural metamorphosis in the animals growth cycle. humans don't really do that, we have baby teeth, adolescence, that ''awkward phase'' [grade eight, never forget O_o ] but we do not go to bed and wake up as a completely different being. since magick is a part of nature and on the physical doesn't contradict nature, the notion we can transform like a butterfly doesn't happen with nature nor magick for this reason.

As bats are one of my absolute favorites, I chose the Bumblebee Bat, or the Kitti's hog-nosed bat. UwU and happy flying!

Jun 14, 2019
fox bats are my absolute favorite, but unfortunately you cannot transform physically into a bat. you could look into spirit guides, or the symbolism behind bats, even calling on their energy in your path [decorating your altar with bats for example] but physically becoming a bat, sadly no.

You cannot physically transform into a bat.

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