Become a Neko

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become a Neko
This spell is helpful if you want a pair of animal ears, an animal tail, and both retractable claws and fangs. Neko is the Japanese word for cat but it can be any animal with this spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Become a Neko'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Powerful Mind
  • (A Voice)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Powerful Mind
  • (A Voice)
Say the spell 3 times total 3-6 times each whole time (keep it the same number every time). Do this until the spell is completely finished processing and BELIEVE. 

-Make me a neko to frolic and play 
(Color) (Animal) ears A (Color) (Animal) tail 
And a retractable set of claws and fangs 
By the power of 3 
Make me what i wish to be: 
A neko
Ears of (Length) 
Tail of (Length) and (Thickness) 
And claws of (Length) and fangs like daggers of (Length) 
By the power of 3 
So mote it be 

Appearantly There's Side Effects (according to the original spell) 
+craving milk/fish 
+lower-back pains 
+top-of-head pains 
+wanting to play with balloons/feathers/string type objects 
+being able to bond well with cats and the other way around 

Original Spell: 
Make me a neko to frolic and play
With a (color) tail and (color) ears 
I want my tail to be (Length) 
And to be (Fluffiness) 
-Say it 3-4 times a day until the spell is completely finished processing


Added to on Feb 12, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a neko, though it´d be cool it isnt possible

How long would you wait for you to start feeling the effects of the spell?

Aug 07, 2019
it won't work. magick doesn't contradict nature, you're human. buy cat ears, that's all you can do.

How long will it take for the spell to finish or work

Jul 01, 2020
Magick doesn't work this way, sorry. Magick is a natural energy that effects natural energy to bring a natural change. Transforming into anything is unnatural, and cannot happen on the physical plane.

You cannot physically transform into a cat, catgirl, or ''neko'' which is simply Japanese for cat.

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