A Vampire Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► A Vampire Spell
This is one of the most well-known vampire spells on the internet. An easy first spell upload.

Casting Instructions for 'A Vampire Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night (between 10pm and 1am)
  • Full Moon/ New Moon
  • Red/ Black candle (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night (between 10pm and 1am)
  • Full Moon/ New Moon
  • Red/ Black candle (optional)
You can be either inside or out for this spell, it doesn't really matter. If you are casting this spell inside though, it would be best to have a window open, so the moon is in full sight.
Say this 10 times with a clear voice.


Blood Red, Pale Skin,
Moonlight, Draw Me In,
Quench My Thirst,
Coursing Veins,
Let My Body Feel No Pain.

Side Effects:
Sore throat - Burning sensation
Sensitive to sun
Stomach ache
Toothe ache
Craving for blood
Change of sleeping patterns

Heightened senses
Pre-cognitive visions

*NOTE you will only be slightly better at these abilities than just average humans*

Smooth, porcelain-like skin
Eye Colour change (Not drastic just a slight change)
More beautiful (Better looking to average human)
Little to no sleep needed
Hair will get darker/lighter (eg. brunettes go dark brown/black. dirty blondes go light blonde)
Canines go sharper


Added to on Apr 19, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is not a real spell.

Jun 13, 2019
How do u know

Jul 13, 2019
Because you cannot become a vampire, real Magic does not work that way.

Oct 12, 2019
Tadashi are u stupid or something the spell will change your blood or whatever and then turning you into another species

Oct 12, 2019
I am contemplating the validity of defending my intellect to someone who does not use punctuation or spell ''you'' correctly... Not worth it. I stand by my previous post, Magic is an energy that only affects energy to bring natural change. This is not a natural change, vampires are not real, and humans cannot transform into other beings naturally, ergo this does not work.

*laughes in energy vampire*

Aug 29, 2020
As I have learned, Magick cannot change your species.

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