To gain Energy

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► To gain Energy
To provide some self-energizing

Casting Instructions for 'To gain Energy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:

This spell requires direct sunlight, either outdoors, of indoors at a south facing window. Make yourself a tea that includes solar herbs such as cinnamon, cloves, orange, or lemon. (You may use citrus juice it you don't want some- thing hot.) You will need some sort of solar stone, such as citrine or yellow tiger's-eye. Hold the stone up to the sunlight in your dominant hand, and hold the drink in your other hand. Say: ''Helios Apollo, Sun-God, Healer, strengthen me with your light.'' Visualize the sunlight pouring into you, washing through you, especially your heart and solar plexus, and into both the drink and the stone. Drop the stone into the beverage, drink the beverage as quickly as is comfortable. Put the cup down and sit and soak up sunlight for as long as you can.


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Last edited on Sep 01, 2015
Part of the Shaman's Way Library.


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Do not place the stone in the drink. Some stones are toxic, such as citrine. Say the chant, drink the brew, then lie with the crystal on your solar plexus as you visualize the suns energy charging you. I might not lay in the sun if you have a crystal as some might cause a lens effect and set something on fire. So choose the crystal or to lay in the sun, not both. Definitely do not place the crystal in the brew.

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