Nyx Astral Projection

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Nyx Astral Projection
An incantation that calls on the Ancient Greek Goddess of the Night, Nyx. She will take you in her shadow and guide you through the astral plane.

Casting Instructions for 'Nyx Astral Projection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night time or in a dark, shadowy place
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night time or in a dark, shadowy place
At night or in a dark room, meditate as you lie down for as long as you see fit. Become one with the dark yet benevolent energy in the room. Close your eyes and,
Recite this incantation:
NYX. Mother of Hypnos and Thanatos. Born of Chaos.
Stand at my side now as you stood at the beginning of creation.
Take me in your black mist on this night.

Now open your eyes and imagine a woman dressed in black stepping from the corners of the room or coming from the darkness. Do not be offended if she barely reveals herself. Even the best have only seen her in glimpses.

Once you sense her presence,
Recite this incantation:
Ectar lecronon.
Take me on your shadowy flight on this night.

Do all of this while going through your normal astral projection rituals.

Happy traveling (:


Added to on Jun 10, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Why open your eyes while trying to astral project? It would ruin the whole process, or set you back by a good bit. I would instead do this meditation prior to projecting, and leave an offering as a thank-you for her services. You can also substitute Nyx for any other deity you might have a stronger bond with that rules over dreams.

This feels flawed to me. I do not know how well this will work, but it sounds like a simple ritual to connect with Nyx. She is darkness, so consider doing this at midnight, or somewhere naturally dark like a cave.

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