Dark Interprise

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Dark Interprise
Make use of lingering spirits

Casting Instructions for 'Dark Interprise'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Handmade item
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Handmade item

Hold hands together tightly together or around an item and recite.

"Spirits that linger here
With every word I speak
You grow weak
And my chains begin to creep"

Now visualize your energys branching out and say:

"Bind your neck arms and feat
You will fall prey to defeat
I drag thee into me
You no longer free
A slave to a degree
Struggle maybe
Your spirits mine
To do with as I please"

Visualize your energy weaving into a knoted ball around the spirit making a cage geting tieter and tieter around the victime squeezing and filtering out there energy and pump it into your chakras or chosen item.


Added to on Jun 16, 2013
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This might bind a weak spirit to an object, but spirits and magik are different types of energy. While a spirit can help you in your craft, you cannot absorb their energy into you and use it at will.

Spirits are people with minds of their own. While they can be weaker than the living (provided you aren't scared of them), they will likely fight to protect themselves against your magick. And if your spell ever falters or breaks, they will wreak havoc on your life in revenge (this is likely. A few might leave in peace, but most, especially those who carry negative energy, will take revenge, one way or another). They may not even directly affect you. If you have strong magickal defenses, they will instead move on to hurting people you care about. So ditch this spell (that's my advice) and instead develop a relationship with the spirit. Talk to it.

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