Meditation Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Meditation Spell
If you are stressed out and you need to relax, this spell will put your mind at ease.

Casting Instructions for 'Meditation Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Imagination
  • Body
  • voice
  • Alone in a dark room
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Imagination
  • Body
  • voice
  • Alone in a dark room
Lay down on a flat and comfortable surface.

Breathe in until you slowly count to four and then breathe out until you count to four. (Repeat or if uncomfortable, breathe at own pace. I however prefer to have a steady breathing rate).

Imagine a tiny green ball of light in the core of your body (in your abdomen area). With every breath you inhale it gets bigger, but with every breath you exhale, it gets smaller.

Imagine that every time you inhale (ball still growing) you feel your stress growing and then when you exhale (ball still shrinking)you feel the stress getting pushed out of your body.

With each and every breath you take, the stress is becoming less and less. Imagine your negativity leaking out of your fingers and toes until your mind is empty of all stress.


Added to on Jun 29, 2013
Last edited on Aug 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This isn’t a spell, more like a meditation technique. Regardless, it looks like it could alleviate stress.

Not a spell, simple meditation. Should work for some.

Apr 13, 2022
why we should imagine, a tiny green ball, in our abdomen area?

Apr 13, 2022
It does not say, but visualizing orbs of light is common in certain meditations. They may wish for you to activate your heart chakra, though the location given would be the solax plexus chakra and therefore yellow. More likely, it is to focus your energy into your body's center and to center your energy. You can end the meditation by letting the ball to expand and use it as a shield. You could also visualize different colours. Green could be seen as healing or good fortune. Some visualize gold, blue, white, or any number of colours. Whatever resonates. The outline is a form of meditation, the process is where some might stumble. It might help some, it might not. It is still worth attempting to see how you fair.

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