Relaxation Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Relaxation Spell
Really not a spell but is somewhat a spell. This is suppose to be a relaxation spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Relaxation Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your favorite incense.
  • a candle (preferably blue)
  • Cast a circle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your favorite incense.
  • a candle (preferably blue)
  • Cast a circle


Please take the incense and place it on a open area floor DO NOT LIGHT IT YET!

Candle (Preferable Blue)

Take the candle and also place it by the incense, again DO NOT LIGHT IT YET!

Cast a Circle

Cast a circle to keep negative and stressful energies from getting to you, but make sure its big enough for the ingredients and you to fit in there.


Light the candle and say "Spirit wash, spirit flow, relaxation is where I want to go."


Light the incense and say "Water flow spirit grow, relaxation is what I want to know.


Imagine a blue energy coming into you, relaxing your body, feel yourself becoming relaxed.


Added to on Aug 06, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This sounds like it could help some, but I have an issue. You need to charge energy when casting a circle. While the energy inside circle can be soothing, I would omit it if you are trying to relax. Sitting outside, lying in bed, soaking in the tub. What makes you feel comfortable? Do the ritual there.

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