Wolf Transformation spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wolf Transformation spell
Something I made and put thought into, like more then usual. Hope it works, if it does message me! You are still human, but you cam shape into a wolf.

Casting Instructions for 'Wolf Transformation spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be outside.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be outside.
As you chant thing imagine yourself as a wolf, just what you would look like.
''Soft fur,
Piercing eyes,
Razor fangs,
Sharp long claws,
I'm a wolf howling in the moon light!''
Right after that, say this, while visualizing yourself as a wolf running in a forest first at night then at day.
''Long tail,
Thudding paws,
I'm running in the windy night!
Through day and the night a wolf I be,
Unless I need the human me!
So mote it be!''

Now you need to find a way to trigger your transformation right after you chant that.
To turn into a wolf, think, The Wolf in me is needed! And visualize yourself as a wolf.
To be a human again claw the ground five time and think, so mote it be! As you visualize yourself as human.

It might not work right away, and I suggest you do this once during the day and once at night. Then it should work!


Added to on Sep 29, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically shapeshift into a wolf.

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