
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Hex
A spell to disable your enemy, with out leaving extreme damage

Casting Instructions for 'Hex'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blueberry vine
  • Enemies soiled Under garment
  • Something to hang the garment
  • Picture of the one you want to curse(optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blueberry vine
  • Enemies soiled Under garment
  • Something to hang the garment
  • Picture of the one you want to curse(optional)
Hang the undergarment in something. Imagine all the things your enemy has done to you, MAKE YOURSELF FURIOUS! Take the blueberry vine(make sure the part you hold is not thorny, you can put black tape if you want) and whip the garment while saying out loud all the things they have done to you. When you are feeling satisfied, stop. If you do it correctly, the persons would be very sore for weeks, or they will become ill.
If not, that's God protecting them, if they are not in any way hurt, leave them alone and ignore them for 3 months.


Added to on Nov 30, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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While soiled undergarments would energetically link yourself to this person, how on earth were you planning on acquiring them? You could make an effigy of them, say a poppet. You can add a photo of them, hair, blood, or a object they own. If you can make it from a piece of their clothing, that would be best. Then, stuff with cursing herbs and continue with the spells instructions of whipping it. As for the God protection, this is a factor to consider. They could be protected by a deity or spiritual being, as well as plants and animals in their home. There are several factors that can ward off castings, positive or negative. If you feel the negative effects of the spell, it could be a sign the persons protectors sent the energy back. A sign you are being negatively cast on is if you see your plants growing sick with no explanation. They are absorbing negative energy. Granted, this only works if you take good care of your plants.

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