Neko Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Neko Spell
I know theres a couple of them out there but this one is different and hopefully it'll work (found this on youtube and belongs directly to Hawkclaw917)

Casting Instructions for 'Neko Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bowl/Cup of any type of milk (if your lactose intolerant then I recommend soya...if allergic then idk)
  • Undisturbed area
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bowl/Cup of any type of milk (if your lactose intolerant then I recommend soya...if allergic then idk)
  • Undisturbed area
Meditate then say the chant:

''Gods and Goddesses of cats, grant me wish to be; to be a neko cat. Make my ears (colour) and my tail (colour). Make it so I can hide my ears and also my tail, away from humans.

Gods and Goddesses let it be.''

After that drink your milk while imagining your cat self (You may share it with you cat after you drank some but this is optional)

Side Effects:

Tail bone aching.
Craving for fish.
Wanting to sleep.

(if it doesn't work then don't blame me or Hawk. Its just a spell. It depends if you believe or not anyway)


Added to on Dec 30, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into a cat, a ''neko'', or a hybrid of both human and cat.

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