For Study and Concentration

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► For Study and Concentration
This is a spell that calls upon the powers of herbs, color and the deity Brigid (or the Hindu goddess of knowledge, Saravasti) to help us when we are in need of help with going back to the basics.

Casting Instructions for 'For Study and Concentration'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 parts rosemary
  • 1 parts basil
  • 1 part caraway seeds
  • 1 part dried rind of citrus fruit
  • A small bowl to mix the herbs
  • A small cloth bag about 15 cm in size
  • A silver thread or cord
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 parts rosemary
  • 1 parts basil
  • 1 part caraway seeds
  • 1 part dried rind of citrus fruit
  • A small bowl to mix the herbs
  • A small cloth bag about 15 cm in size
  • A silver thread or cord

Combine the herbs thoroughly while chanting either

"Brigid, Brighde, fashioner of words,
Help me now as I seek your aid
Let me now bring you honor
In what I have to say today."

or, for Saravasti

"Saravasti, divine consort of Brahma
Mistress of knowledge
Teach me to use words wisely and well
My doubts and fears I pray you dispel."

Now put the herbs in the bag, tying it securely with the silver cord then place the sachet some where within your work area.


Added to on Feb 05, 2014
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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If you work with these deities, use it. If you work with a different deity of knowledge, wisdom, or craftmanship, call on them. If you do not work with any of these deities, I would leave an offering of thanks since you are asking for their help. You could also omit calling on a deity and rely on the energy and herbs. As for the herb mix, create the pouch while imagining how it will help you. Place it on your desk, and before studying, I would hold it, smell it, reflect on your intention, say any chant you chose to use, then place it on your desk and begin working. If you can carry it with you, I would take it when you need to write a test, but check with administration if you can place it on your desk.

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