Bleeding Bones

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Bleeding Bones
This spell inflicts pain, lots of it. Scratches will appear, hurting 3 to 4 times more than they normally would.- Use with caution, lasts a few weeks. No reversal

Casting Instructions for 'Bleeding Bones'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Person's Name on piece of paper.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Person's Name on piece of paper.

Just so you know this is meant to be a punishment spell, for serious deeds. These are my own spells,I'll know if their true purpose has been betrayed. Then I'll cast the only spell I know I will never post on whoever does. If a person cheats on you fine, I'd prefer you use a kinder spell if you didn't really truly love them. If you need advice ask, I may give you your own spell to use.

Place paper in front of you, place hand on it. Recite.

"Blood boils, blisters, cuts.
Headaches, bruises, and stomach pains.
Let my magic bring harm,
To the one who has harmed me.
Gashes, scratches,toothaches.
Broken bones, and shattered dreams.
Let their cruelty to me, manifest physically.
Blood, pain, from unknown place,
Befall them now, deliver my revenge."


Added to on Apr 02, 2014
Last edited on Apr 08, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Focus enough negative energy and this could jinx someone, but it will not work as outlined. You need to add baneful ingredients and do more than simply say ''I want this person to feel pain.''

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