Relaxation Ritual

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Relaxation Ritual
Great technique to learn for relaxing/grounding yourself before and after ritual.

Casting Instructions for 'Relaxation Ritual'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Sit or lie in a place where you will not be disturbed. Get comfortable. Your arms and lets should not be crossed. Your eyes should be closed. Visualize a ball of warm golden light surrounding your feet. The ball always brings peace and total relaxation. Let it go, and as it goes, feel your feet being filled with the warm golden glow of total relaxation and peace.

Now allow this ball of light to rise up your legs and up your torso. Then allow it to go down your arms to your fingers, and finally up your neck and to your head. You are covered with the warm glow of peace and relaxation. Stay in this state for a few moments. Be at one with yourself. When you want to come out of it, take three deep breaths and feel
fresh energy come into your body.


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Last edited on Sep 28, 2015
Part of the MidnightMagick Library.


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This works. It is a basic meditation technique. It is also how you can charge positive energy.

Apr 15, 2022
agree, but Why does this spell use golden light and don't use silver light?

Apr 15, 2022
It would be the creators personal preference. Use any colour you wish.

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