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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Neko
This is my own spell so I mark this as: homemade (sort of) Will be half cat with this unless you mess it up.

Casting Instructions for 'Neko'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cat Fur (Just Real)
  • Glass of Milk
  • Anything that's similar to a collar that has a bell on (chokie, collar, ribbon, ect)
  • Your Hair
  • Gemstone/Stone for your eye colour
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cat Fur (Just Real)
  • Glass of Milk
  • Anything that's similar to a collar that has a bell on (chokie, collar, ribbon, ect)
  • Your Hair
  • Gemstone/Stone for your eye colour
Put the glass (with the milk in) on a hard service, think to your self, put the collar or what ever on and put the fur in the milk first (just one strand is fine but make sure you don't lose it), then the hair, and lastly the gemstone. Then chant this 1X.

''Oh goddess of cats please make me a neko, let have fangs the length of (length) and claws the length of (length). Please let my ear length be (length) and my tail length be (length). The collar I wear will be for two hours after saying this spell and I must not take it off until then. My ear and tail will be (colour) and (furtype). May this spell be complete after 6 days of saying it. So Mote It Be.''

-Then drink the milk but be careful not to choke on the gemstone please. That will be bad.


-It is most certain that you drink that cat hair up but not the human hair as it can lead to problems.

-DO NOT and I mean DO NOT take the collar off in the middle of the two hours. Why? Well it's gonna be a 50/50 % of you either.1. Turned into a full cat for the rest of your life OR2. Getting a curse put on you that you can never remove. What is this curse? Well being human for the rest of your life with no chance of turning into anything what so ever because the invisible barrier will just block it.

-It is a good 80% chance that you will be immortal. But that's where garlic and onions come in. Stay away from them as much as possible or you get it taken away from you. Best chance of avoiding it is wearing your collar. It'll be like a protection charm aganist it so your fine if you have that on.

-Adults may not see your demon/neko side but little children sure well can. Be careful around those.

-You may get the sudden phantom limbs sometimes.

-You will get bad cravings now and again so try to control it.

-You can sense other nekos around, just follow you instincts.

-It does work. You just have to know it will do its job. Not believe. Know.

-You will get a straight on headache in about 5-10 seconds after you do this. If that happens the you'll know it has worked.

The side effects is in my bio so I can edit them if they change. Hope it works for you guys :3


Added to on Apr 10, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a cat.

What I'm kinda concern about is do you mean cat the (like shedded fur) or cat's skin? Cause if it's the second answer then it's illegal in the good ol' US of the A (USA)

Nov 10, 2019
Wow. I wrote Cat's The instead of Cat's Fur.

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