Inflation Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Inflation Spell
Inflate yourself really big! Mail me if it works!

Casting Instructions for 'Inflation Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Cup
  • Salt
  • Two Stones
  • Visualization
  • Your Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Cup
  • Salt
  • Two Stones
  • Visualization
  • Your Voice
1. Fill your cup with water

2. Put a few grains of salt into the water

3, Drop the two stones in

4. Say: ''Bigger and bigger I will grow according to my will and so. I can stop the inflation with my will and stop the inflation before harm. Mote it be!''

5. Visualize how you will inflate from your normal size to inflation. Visualize at least for 1 minute and it will work. You should start to ache in your stomach, then a minute later you should inflate the way you visualized. The limit of how big you will grow is ten feet wide and ten feet tall. You should be as round as a ball. You will stay like this for nine hours, so enjoy being a fat ball rolling around :3


Added to on Apr 13, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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u dont drink the water? or do you drink the water?

Apr 03, 2019
This is a fake spell, you can't inflate yourself with magick, that simply isn't how it works.

u dont drink the water? or do you drink the water?

Jan 06, 2020
You do

This doesn't work. You won't inflate like a balloon with magick. If you're hoping to gain weight, there are working spells to choose from.

Jun 28, 2021
What spell is that

Ik its fake but it sounds aluring

This does not work.

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