Fairy Potion

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Fairy Potion
This will turn you into a fairy in two weeks.

Casting Instructions for 'Fairy Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Glitter
  • Cup
  • Water
  • Necklace
  • Spoon
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Crayons
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Glitter
  • Cup
  • Water
  • Necklace
  • Spoon
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Crayons

Get a cup and fill it up half way. Put one spoon full of glitter in the water. Take the scissors and cut a tiny bit of your hair off and put it in the water. Put your necklace in the water. Then pick the type of fairy you want to be: Nature fairy, animal fairy, water fairy,fire fairy,light fairy,wind fairy,love fairy,good luck fairy.

Pick the color and design of your dress and draw it on a piece of paper. On the back of the paper color and design your wings. Fold the piece of paper hamburger style two times and put it in the water. Say this three times:

"Fairy fairy I wish to be a fairy. I want to fly high in the sky I want to be a - fairy. I will promise to keep this a secret. A secret that I can only tell my best of friends. I wish to be a fairy so mote it be"

Take the piece of paper out and put it somewhere safe (this paper will hold your promise)
11.take the necklace out and put it on then drink the potion keep the necklace on for two hours. After two hours take the necklace off and put it with the piece of paper (whenever you put this necklace on you will turn into a fairy).

Wait two weeks and sleep with the paper under your pillow for two weeks. Take the piece of paper and put it in a safe place then put your necklace on and you will turn into a fairy.



Added to on Apr 14, 2014
Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a fairy.

Mar 08, 2020
you can not believe in magick. get off this site then

Mar 08, 2020
I do believe in Real Magic. It does not defy nature. Fairys are spiritual beings, you are a physical being, ergo you will never become a fairy. You can work with The Fae as I do, but you will not become one. Furthermore, anyone can be on this site if they are not breaking the rules. I do not wish to kick you off this site simply because you are misguided in the ways of Real Magic. We cannot have an open forum if we shut down people who disagree with us.

Apr 08, 2020
Well it’s not the fact that people are mis guided it’s what there mind has guided them And yes there is suck thing as real magic you just have to believe and it has to be irrelevant to what your spell/potion is for spirits are real so fairy’s should be to the world is yet unkown still to this day just because you don’t know if there real doesn’t make the fact that they aren’t know I place a simple request for no more comments if you think something is real or not we are here to test that and find out so instead holding us back telling us your opinion doesn’t help with our luck at all thank you

Apr 08, 2020
I believe in The Fae, Midspy04, I said as much in my reply to WitchSady.I have worked with The Fae since childhood. What I am stating is the fact you cannot become one. You cannot make a potion and physically transform into a fairy. I state things I know are true, which is why I comment on fake spells. I know what the limitations of Real Magic is and wish to help those new members who do not. I comment on all the fairy spells, and the handful I found were working fairy spells, I stated as much. But people love to argue and feed their biases, so nobody wants to say anything when I put out a nice comment, only when I am being a ''meanie'' and not agreeing with them.

Aug 10, 2022
I agree, Tadashi.

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