Dragon Protection

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Dragon Protection
Call and summon a dragon to protect you! You will never see the dragon but just a feelings!

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Protection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
  • Wand
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
  • Wand
• Sit down with cross-legged pose
• Say this :
''As I swing this wand, a thing will be! A wonderful as a dragon! A dragon will protect me as long as I want! No one harm me! So mote it be!''
• Swing the wand and you're protected!

*** Side Effects ***
Feelings like be protected
Feels like can't be destroyed
Feels like you're strong


Added to on Jul 15, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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this might work to empower you, but without first establishing a relationship with a Dragon [and also saying they'll protect you for as long as you want] it feels more like a placebo or you're creating a thought form to guard you [which isn't a bad thing, just not a real astral Dragon]

Where do I get a wand?

Oct 09, 2019
I suggest you make it yourself as you put your own energy in the wand. Go on a walk in the woods and find a stick that you are attracted to. There are many ways to make that stick into your wand. You can decorate the wand as well with runes and other things like that.

Nov 14, 2021
Hehehe T r e e s decorate them its more powerful if you created your own wand hehe

This may create a servitor to protect you, but the chant seems insulting to dragons and from what I know, they do not serve humans. Saying a dragon will protect you for as long as you want is the quickest way to make a dragon avoid you.

Mar 19, 2024
Agreed, a dragon would be more willing if you were to present yourself with a respectful request as well as your potential as a practitioner, and even more so if you have worked with the same dragon before.

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