Wolf Neko (Okami) Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wolf Neko (Okami) Spell
This spell will make you have wolf ears, a wolf tail, sharp teeth, and claws.

Casting Instructions for 'Wolf Neko (Okami) Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • Paper (optional)
  • The ability to read
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • Paper (optional)
  • The ability to read
1. (Optional:) Draw or imagine yourself with your desired wolf ears, tail, claws, sharp teeth, etc. If you choose to imagine yourself with the wolf parts, do that as you say the spell. If you choose to draw yourself with the wolf parts, hold the drawing as you say the spell

2. Say this three times: ''Universe, please listen to me
Give me claws and sharp teeth
I would also like to have a (color) wolf tail and my human ears change to (color) wolf ears and these changes shall come even if it takes years
These new parts shall show and hide themselves whenever I please, so let it be.''


Added to on Aug 01, 2014
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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have you tried it?

Sep 06, 2019
Sorry but this doesn't work. Magick cannot contradict nature on the physical plane, as this spell suggests

Feb 15, 2020
Nekoshema I understand your concerns for rather or not the spells are real but it just ruins the point of the website if you mess with what others believe in so plz stop going into spells and saying they are fake

Feb 16, 2020
The point of the website is for real pagans to connect with other real pagans and grow on their path. When people stumble across this site, it's because they discovered witches are real, however, there's a lot of misinformation about our path/religion. These spells are categorized in Fantasy for a reason [they're not real] because there's a ton of fake spells added by new members who don't understand the difference between real and fake spells [and since some do work with astral werewolves, vampires, fae, Dragons etc we have a section for them, but people saw it and went ''wait, they're real?!'' and spammed it] Only the side admin can delete spells, and they're busy running the site. Therefore, editors, publishers and mods are around to keep an eye on things. Unless a spell is physically dangerous or includes threats/hate speech, they'll stay up [plus, traffic to the site + add revenue = free site] Beleive what you want, but I'm aloud to explain what magick is and isn't. If you choose to ignore it, it's your choice [I have better things to do than follow people around and force them to agree with reality]

You cannot physically grow wolf features with Real Magic.

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