Increase Senses Abilities

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Increase Senses Abilities
Increase your physical senses, like sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling!

Casting Instructions for 'Increase Senses Abilities'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3-4 White Candles
  • 2 Paper Book
  • 3 Any Pencils
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3-4 White Candles
  • 2 Paper Book
  • 3 Any Pencils

Sit cross-legged and put th candles in front of you. Put the paper-book left and right of you. Write eyes in the paper book as large as you can ("ALC" as my short word). Light the first candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Eyes. I call thee. Make my eyes often sees and see farer. My eyes will clear as water and see sight far. So mote it be!"

Write ears in the paper book (same) ALC. Light the second candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Ears. I call thee. Make my ears often hears and hear farer. My ears will hear loudly and clear and hear far loud. So mote it be!" Breathe all smoke and visualise your eyes and ears becoming better!

Take another paper book and write skin & tounge ALC. Light the third candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Feelings. I call thee. Make my skin often feels and better. Make my tounge often tastes and better! So mote it be!"

As the way as before but write "nose"! Light the fourth and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Nose, I call thee. Make my nose often sniffs and smells and smells better! So mote it be!" Breathe all smoke while visualising.


Added to on Aug 06, 2014
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This most likely will not work. I will not rule out a spell, coupled with practice, would harbour results. However, this is calling on the ''Goddess of Aphrodite'' as well as a physical sense to assist you in the spell. Is this the Goddess Aphrodite? Why call upon her? Do you work with her? Does she rule over what you desire? What offering will you give as thanks for assistance? If this is not a typo, what is the Aphrodite, if not the Greek Goddess? Is this like Hades is a God and a place? Is there an Aphrodite land, or was this made up by the author? As for call on sight, sound, touch, taste, in your spell, is this similar to calling on the elements? How does that work? Are they spirits, the literal senses, or deities associated with the sensations? Understand why things are the way they are in a spell can help you determine if a spell works or requires an edit.

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