Weight Loss Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Weight Loss Spell
This makes you lose weight this is not my spell. Sorry I havent posted spells in a while again!!
Sorry about that!!

Casting Instructions for 'Weight Loss Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Waning Moon
  • athame (or another sharp item)
  • Black Candle
  • New moon
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Waning Moon
  • athame (or another sharp item)
  • Black Candle
  • New moon
  • Belief
Timimg: Waning Moon (start just after Full Moon)

Preparation: Using an athame (or another sharp item that you have ritually blessed) mark a black candle into 14 equal parts (13 rings). Mark each section with number fives (5).

On the night after the Full Moon, burn the candle down to the first mark while meditating, and chanting the following:
''As this candle burns, so my fat burns.
As this candle decreases, so my weight decreases.
I have complete control over my weight.
My body is truly perfect in every way.
I now weigh a perfect __(insert desired goal)___ pounds.
Every day I am slimmer and healthier.
I am as perfect as the Goddess within me.
Thank you, Goddess, for your help.
This is my will, so mote it be.''
Do this nightly, burning the candle down to the next mark, until the night of the New Moon, when the candle should be allowed to burn out. It is also helpful to picture your body's fat cells burning off and to feel your increased metabolism and energy. Your body may feel warm and tingly. As the candle goes down, so your weight goes down. You will lose 5-10 pounds over the two weeks. This spell can be done every month, or as needed.

Points to Remember:
This is the affirmation that I wrote for myself, you are free to change it in any way to suit yourself. Rhyming works well, but I wrote this before I was very good at rhyming everything, and I have continued to use it in the original form simply because I like it that way. Always bear in mind that you must see yourself as having already accomplished your goal in the present moment. Also remember that you need to keep wording things as positive, your subconcious mind really hates to ''lose'' anything. The word ''Goddess'' can be substituted for whatever God or Goddess you are working with on this, but I would definitely ask for Divine help.


Added to on Aug 10, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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A healthy diet and exercise will assist in this spells success, burning a candle alone won't make you lose weight [and the 5-10 pounds over two weeks sounds a little dangerous at best 2 pounds a week is safe]

This rapid of weight loss by simply burning a candle will not happen. It can motivate and assist you as you embark on a new healthy routine. You need to put in effort for weight loss spells to work.

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