Weight Gain

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Weight Gain
This isn't really a magic kal spel but it will make you fat!

Casting Instructions for 'Weight Gain'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • . Your body
  • . Food
  • . A strong mind
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • . Your body
  • . Food
  • . A strong mind
First sit down with a plate of food (and a lot of food!) then look at your tiny stomach and chant '' fat fat fat fat ect...'' Keep chanting while eating the plate of food (even with a heap of food I'm your mouth) imagine your stomach inflating, imagine your arms and legs getting bigger and your face puffing up when your done. You should feel fatter ( you may not look it straight away) but you'll struggle getting up stairs and you'll eat ALOT of food trust me I tested this spell! I ate four pizzas, a packet of cookies, a bottle of soft drink, two blocks of chocolate and some BUTTERY popcorn.
This WILL wear off after 3-6 hours when spell wears off you'll stop craving food and you'll go back to your normal size.


Added to on Sep 09, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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As the description says, this isn't a spell. If you wish to gain weight [provided you don't have an underlying health reason why you can't gain weight] death healthy foods high in protein, increase your caloric intake over time, and look into weight training to gain muscle. If you want to incorporate magick into it, say a chant before eating/exercising stating your goal, then visualize your desired outcome as you eat/exercise.

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