
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Fairy
This spell is to let you be a fairy with the saying of simple words.

Casting Instructions for 'Fairy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Outfit you wish too be in when you transform
  • Things the represent your 4 powers you wish to have
  • 1 Favorite jewelry piece
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Outfit you wish too be in when you transform
  • Things the represent your 4 powers you wish to have
  • 1 Favorite jewelry piece

Put on the outfit you wish too be in. Now, put on the piece of jewelry, *NOTE: you MUST have that piece of jewelry on to transform* Set the representations of your powers in front of you. Put your hands over one of the items, and close your eyes. Imagine your self using that power, move on to the next, and do the same too all of the others.

Open your eyes and say this 4 times: "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. I wish to become a fairy! With my wings of a (type of wings). They will be (size of wings) and the colors of (color) and (color)are my colors I wish too have. I wish to have the powers of (powers), and the three special powers of: (special powers). My Summoning Words for wings are: (summoning words) my wings will appear on my back. When I say the words: (Disappearing words), my wings will be absent. Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, I wish to be a fairy!"

When you have said that, put your hands in front of your power "symbols". Close your eyes and imagine flying with your wings and using your powers. Open your eyes and dispose of the "symbols". You need to wait until your wings and powers appear! 


Added to on Nov 30, 2014
Last edited on Dec 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a fairy.

Fairies are real I am one

May 13, 2019
Faeries are real, they are spirits, but a human cannot be a faery, we cannot change our genetics or species with magick and we cannot become a spiritual being.

May 13, 2019
Faeries are real, but you're human.

May 14, 2019
I never said fairys are not real, just you cannot transform into a fairy. I have worked with fairys on and off my whole life, so I know what is possible regarding the fae. You, however, are not a fairy, merely a human who is lost in their fantasy world.

Apr 16, 2023
how long did it take to gain your powers?

Apr 17, 2023
Nobody has faerie powers. You're human. Magick doesn't contradict nature. Research faerie magick and learn how to work with faeries in your craft.

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