Afterlife Demon Transformation

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Afterlife Demon Transformation
It do is true and practical that we are humans and will stay till death, but the soul after death does holds those powers that ain't is normal.

Casting Instructions for 'Afterlife Demon Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Satanic altar.
  • 1 paper and black pen.
  • 1 razor.
  • 1 bowl to burn the paper.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Satanic altar.
  • 1 paper and black pen.
  • 1 razor.
  • 1 bowl to burn the paper.

As is must you must make the room dark and with the Satanic altar presented, outfit and lighting up black candles, and then invocation to Satan.For this you have to sign a "contract" much more a agreement for your transformation.You may write the contract with your own blood by making cuts in any body and by using the dry pen dipped in the blood to write the prayer else you can use a simple black pen (blessed) and write the prayer below and but signing at the end be must with blood.

"Oh Satan who has always been my way,
My truth and the life.
For the one who has made
My each moment of life memorable,
For the one who helped my beast inside,
Grant me this wish for a change afterlife,
Let get double my powers,
Let I become a demon,
Strongest, adorable and mighty
With powers will stood infinite.
Let I become a demon after my life"

Sign at the end with your blood. After this you must thank Satan again. Say "Hail Satan" as you burn the paper in the bowl.


Added to on Dec 08, 2014
Last edited on Jul 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Do not cut yourself. Even if this spell worked, which it does not, you do not need to cut yourself to get a pool of blood. You could get an infection. Take a sterile needle, prick your finger, use a few drops. Those few drops have more than enough power in them. You do not need to sign your name in blood. Furthermore, nobody knows for certain what happens after death, but if reincarnation is real, the majority of people belief you do not get much, if any, of a say in where/when/what you are reincarnated as. Perhaps you are reborn as a demon, or maybe your actions in this life result in you coming back as a newt. Once you cross the veil, then things will become clear. Until then, you cannot determine what your next life will become.

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