Become a God

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become a God
I prefer using the create a spell thingy or vampire instantly spell with a power like spells work no matter what before this it will then work better.

Casting Instructions for 'Become a God'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • cup
  • water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • cup
  • water



"I invoke heckingson jumbo to take over everything in me to make me a (god/goddess) permanently and instantly a (god/goddess) of (specilization of god/goddess) so it shall be to shift to what will now be inside me, I will be the most powerfull of (gods/goddessess) glowing skin, able to use any kind of magic, for this is my will to be a (god/goddess) after I drink this waterI will be a god kind, fine but not the odd, so shall it be three times said three times blessed so, so mote it be."


Added to on Jun 24, 2015
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Will this work

Oct 07, 2019
no. magick doesn't contradict nature, you cannot cast a spell and become a god.

Oct 10, 2019
Are you sure about that I have been doing magick for Manny years and if you put enough faith in you're spell casting it will work plus you need to have the gift to use magick or it won't work

Oct 11, 2019
1. yes i'm sure, magick doesn't contradict nature, the only time a human has become a deity in mythology is after death [and they were amazing an amazing person in life. example Imhotep, the architect/god not mummy/villain] 2. you don't need a ''gift'' for magick or it doesn't work. some are more gifted than others, some are also better at certain spells than others, but it doesn't mean you can't cast spells if you don't have a ''gift'' anyone can cast spells if given time and practice [also faith is a key factor, but it's not the trump card that will overcome all odds. this is spellcasting, not an after school special about friendship]

Oct 14, 2019
Magic is the ability to control and alter the energy the universe is made of. Those with enough patience, will power, focus, and belief can do anything with magic, the only limitation being your imagination.

Nov 28, 2021
What about Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft?

Nov 28, 2021
What about her? She is a Goddess associated with witchcraft, but witchcraft is not the same as magick. Witchcraft is a craft utilizing the natural world to help you in your daily life. There are atheist witches who don't do spells but still practice witchcraft.

Nov 29, 2021
Spells dose the same things as witchcraft.

Nov 29, 2021
Nekoshema is correct, witchcraft and spells are different. Society likes to lump them together, but they are different. You do not need to practice witchcraft to cast spells, you do not need to cast spells to practice witchcraft. Witchcraft is observing the changing seasons, knowing what plants are safe or dangerous in your area, understanding local wildlife, home remedies, and so forth. It is not spells. Spells are a small part of it that can be omitted and you would still be able to practice witchcraft. A Witch does not need to cast a spell to be a witch. A witch does not need a spell to make a chamomile tea to heal your cold. They simply need the knowledge that chamomile helps with colds. Hecate is the Goddess of many things. Even if you call on her for aid in a spell that is not naturally possible, it still will not work because witchcraft is a craft of the wise, and the wisest of al would be Hecate. She would know better than to upset the planets natural balance. She is also a stern Goddess that would not hesitate to teach you a lesson for disrespecting her, so I would not pester her with nonsense.

Nov 29, 2021
Tadashi already explained my point but no, it's different. Spells are ritualized prayers [essentially] magick is a neutral energy found in nature. Witchcraft is a craft utilizing nature and applying knowledge of the world around you. Witches do believe in magick, but not every witch casts spells. Spells are separate. As for the extend of magick, again, each witch is different. Some don't believe you can influence magick, while others do. Some atheist witches believe it brings change and we can't tamper with it, while spiritual witches believe we are capable of affecting the flow of energy. [to what extent depends on the witch] Those who work with Hecate can call on her in their spellcraft, but it doesn't mean she'll stop what she's doing to contradict nature. She won't even work with people unless they've cleansed and purified their area, why would she make a random person a god? [not trying to be mean, just saying from her point of view. She's rather strict and expects certain things before she'll work with you, so why would she go out of her way to change natural laws and upset her fellow Gods to make someone who read something off the internet a god?]

Feb 27, 2024
It will work and if you doubt it will work, it will not work. You are just completely limiting your higher self if you doubt it will work. We are all higher beings.

You cannot physically transform into a deity.

Well congrats on having every deity on this plain of existence hate you.

Nov 06, 2023
Your actually being a drama queen like Tadashi and Nekoshema have already said in many different spells you cannot alter you being not matter how much faith or practice you put into it you are human nothing can change that NOTHING.

I’m sorry to say but this spell will not work neither will any other spell to become a higher being u are human just come to terms with it

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