Become Half Demon

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become Half Demon
Use the male witch spell if you are a man or create a spell thingy or vampire instantly with a power like spell work no matter what. Before this this will make you the son/daughter of the demon of your choice.

Casting Instructions for 'Become Half Demon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:


Say this day or night 3-5 times or more if you wan't to i'd prefer 3-5 times:

"Demons of hell make me half demon, I will be the son/daughter of (demons name goes here) please make me your son/daughter to become this half away this devilish creature to come running jumping soon become an advantage make this me and give me a better soul, so mote it be."


Added to on Jun 25, 2015
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This spell is good. Thanks for sharing.

Mar 06, 2022
well, there is no conjuration or invoking or connect to the specific demon in the spell, also i think it lacks of comma, 'come running jumping'?, no item? no sigil? no other technique? only chant 3-5 times? And you place in summary 'of your choice'+'soon become advantage' just why the Demon gods give you that? nothing to offer? because of that all stuff, this is not working.

You cannot become half demon, either demons control you or they don't. You can't change that.

You cannot become a half-demon.

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