Rose Beauty Bath

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Rose Beauty Bath
This spell uses the energies of water and rose to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring out one's inner beauty and natural allure. Visualization and positive thoughts are key. Your beauty reflects how you feel so remember, regardless of what others may say you are beauty and no one can take that from you.

Casting Instructions for 'Rose Beauty Bath'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Warm water
  • Cheesecloth (a washcloth will suffice as well)
  • Rose petals (preferably dried)
  • Lavender (optional)
  • Rosemary (optional)
  • String or rubber band
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Warm water
  • Cheesecloth (a washcloth will suffice as well)
  • Rose petals (preferably dried)
  • Lavender (optional)
  • Rosemary (optional)
  • String or rubber band
Chant: Rose of sweet and beauty true, not just skin deep, let me be lovely too

1. As you run the warm bath water ground yourself. Hold the herbs in your projective (usually dominant) hand and repeat the chant twice, visualizing yourself radiating beauty as their energies mix with yours.

2. Place the herbs in the cloth and tie it up, repeating step one with the satchel.

3. Feel the herb’s energies mixing with yours. Welcome their natural power and beauty allowing it to flow up your arm, into your center, and then flowing throughout your body as you visualize your goal.

4. Place the satchel in the tub and visualize its energies flowing into the water. With this image in your mind chant until you feel the water is ready.

5. As you get in the water allow its energy to flow into you, keeping the image of your beauty in your mind as you soak. Feel the herbs and the water cleansing you of all negative self-image thoughts.

6.Take the satchel and hold it against your face, rubbing in slow circles as you would a normal wash. Continue to visualize and chant as you do so.

7. When you feel as though you are done exit the tub and keep the satchel.

Notes: The cloth used to create the satchel should be light blue or pink as these colors are associated with beauty but this is optional. This can be repeated as many times as you feel necessary, but I would recommend adding more herbs each time. As an additional tip drink plenty of water, this will give your skin a healthier glow.


Added to on Aug 10, 2015
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I would make a fresh satchel since I would worry the wet flowers would mold, but this sounds like a working beauty bath. Do not expect dramatic results instantaneously. This would draw beauty towards you, not just physical appearance.

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