Become A God/Goddess

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become A God/Goddess
This will make you a god/goddess.

Casting Instructions for 'Become A God/Goddess'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Say this first: "Wind, fire, water, earth I call on you to make this spell magic, so mote it be."

Now say this 5-10 times: "Oh gods oh goddesses make me a (god/goddess) of (specialization) and give me the power to create anything i want, and to make whatever i say happen, and to cast any magic spell, and give me super strength, super speed, and amazing beauty, and glowing skin, and immortality, I thank you for listening to my calls, now hear my plea, bestow your power upon me, and give me these wonderous powers, make me a (god/goddess) , so mote it be."

Note: this will fully work 100% if the gods and goddesses can see you.

What you can get from this spell is:

  • Amazing beauty.
  • Super strength/speed.
  • you are able to cast any type of magic.
  • glowing skin.
  • Anything you say happens.
  • You can create anything you wan't.
  • And immortality.


Added to on Sep 11, 2015
Last edited on Apr 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this actually work?

Jan 20, 2019
No, you cannot become a God or Goddess

Jan 25, 2019
Yes but I’m worried that anything I say happens even if I say for example f you excuse me language then that would do something bad to that person

So anything I say happens even if I don’t want it to

Jan 27, 2019
This is a fake spell so you have nothing to worry about.

Mar 08, 2019
Yes I know that now.

It's real

Jul 19, 2019
It's not, you can't become a deity, you're human, and magick doesn't contradict nature.

If it was possible our world would be all Gods and Goddesses . LOL

You cannot physically transform into a deity.

I want to understand this part of the instruction: ''This will fully work 100% if the gods and goddesses can see you.'' What does it mean? And how can I make the Gods and Goddesses see me?

Sep 11, 2023
I'm not sure, but it won't work anyway regardless. Best not to worry about it.

Sep 11, 2023
It's a lie. It's trying to give you a guarantee it works, when it doesn't, and then blames you if it doesn't [oh, it didn't work for you? It's because the God's don't pay attention to you] which isn't true. Our spiritual team is always watching over us, even if we haven't connected with them yet. The deities who you work with [or wish to work with you] are watching over you. A lack of sensing spiritual beings means you need to work on that skill, not that the God's ignore you.

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