Body Swap

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Body Swap
This is a spell to body swap with someone.

Casting Instructions for 'Body Swap'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Concentrate very hard on the person you want to swap bodies with. Then say this once out loud and then once in your head.

"Gods and Goddesses, please help me,
I'd like to swap my body.
Not just any person though,
So please don't make the transition slow.
(name of person) is the body I want to swap,
When we switch, it might sound like a little pop.
Make sure that it's done right,
And try not to cause some fright,
By swapping when we expect it.
This might hurt a little bit.
But I don't care, I just want to switch,
Even though, I know it also may itch.
So please help me swap my body,
Your permission is the key.
Please grant my wish, so mote it be"

After you say this, keep on concentrating very hard on the person you want to swap bodies with. Then slowly imagine your mind entering their body and their mind entering your body. Open your eyes. Did you swap? If not, it might take a little while. To swap back, just do the exact same thing except when you say the name of the person you want to swap bodies with, make sure you say your name. 


Added to on Oct 02, 2015
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can't switch bodies with magick. It's a natural energy that cannot contradict nature.

Apr 25, 2023
Does any spell on this site works? Sry for the bad eng

Apr 25, 2023
Yes, but magick doesn't work like in the movies. Magick on the physical plane is ruled by nature and doesn't contradict nature. Magick is an energy that only affects energy, not physical changes. A spell to get a job works by charging the energy around you to attract a job, not to say ''one job please'' and poof, you got a job. The energy around you will vibrate at the same frequency as your desire and will make it easier for you to get your job. You still need to work for it, however. Spells that contradict nature such as body swap don't work because humans can't naturally do this.

You cannot swap bodies.

It will work by believing it will every time.

Aug 27, 2023
I'm afraid not. You can believe all you like, but magic won't allow you to swap bodies with someone else. It's not physically possible.

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