Astral Projection

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Astral Projection
Let's start the class of astral projection. You can do this any time and anywhere,but it's important to be comfortable

Casting Instructions for 'Astral Projection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Body
  • Clear Mind
  • Bed or sofa
  • Silence
  • Focus
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Body
  • Clear Mind
  • Bed or sofa
  • Silence
  • Focus

To start we'll start doing a meditation for half hours.
When you finish your meditation of two or three hours,you'll need to do a lot of exercises to clear your mind.
Now lay in bed or sofa and relax your body. Don't forget to close your eyes.
Start relaxing your feet and after that continue relaxing all the body until you reach the head
Now take off all the negative thoughts and relax your mind.
Now your mind is completely clear.
To start totaly the astral projection stay in that position comfortable and try not to move your eyes,This part it's important because if you don't move your eyes,the brain will thinks you is dreaming.
Now continue doing this until you start your first astral projection. It may take slow, so be patient. Your brain needs to rest for 15 hours to start in this motion.


Added to on Oct 03, 2015
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This needs an edit to elaborate on some points. You should have a regular meditation routine mastered before attempting projection because it requires you to enter a relaxed state. Once you have create the habit of meditation for long periods, attempt projection. When you feel relaxed and in ''the zone'' think of projecting and you should instantly project. You may find it easier to visualize a bridge, rope or ladder to climb. There is also the floating and falling method some use. Once you do that, look around your room, you should see your physical self still meditating. Once you get used to wandering around your room, you can explore further. When you wish to return, think of your room, then open your eyes and your astral will be in your physical once more. No, this will not backfire, your body will naturally return your astral to your physical if anything bothers the physical. A loud noise, a pet brushing against you, someone calling your name, you will come back, so thinking of being in your physical will always return you to your body.

Jul 22, 2022
I like your method. I will try this. Thank you.

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