Neko Potion

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Neko Potion
I decided we need a potion style spell to become a Neko. The potion, when consumed even in small amounts, will turn someone into a Neko.

Casting Instructions for 'Neko Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cinnamon (sacred to Bastet)
  • Basil
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pepper
  • Catnip (optional)
  • Milk
  • Bowl
  • Wand (or chopstick)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cinnamon (sacred to Bastet)
  • Basil
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pepper
  • Catnip (optional)
  • Milk
  • Bowl
  • Wand (or chopstick)

Mix the herbs if you want, then pour the milk into the bowl. Stir it and say:

"A magic mixture made of milk
Fluffy fur as soft as silk
Fangs and claws, ears and tail
May this potion never fail.
As sure as the moon rises at night,
As warm as the sun's morning light.
Bastet (replace with your deity if applicable), grant my greatest desire.
Spread my wish to the wind, passion burning like fire."

As you add the herbs, say:

"By the will of my spirit and the magic I hold
No longer shall my troubled soul
Yearn for a cat's tail and ears
As I cast this spell, I shed my fears.
Claws and fangs that reach out and contract
Ears and tail that grow and retract
From this potion, even the tiniest sip
The smallest droplet, the littlest drip
As long as they were willing, as long as they know
They will become a Neko."

Stir it until the herbs mix in. Chant:

"Neko ears and Neko tail.
Potion and spell to never fail.
If they are willing, if they know,
They will soon be a Neko."

When the spell is finished, store the potion. Keep the milk cold.


Added to on Jan 08, 2016
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Nice spell good job :)

You cannot physically transform into a catgirl.

Mar 17, 2023
I can feel it

Mar 17, 2023
That would be the placebo effect. You want something to be real so badly your mind has tricked your body. However, you only think/feel it is working, it is not working. You will not physically transform because Magik on the physical does not defy nature. Humans cannot physically transform by nature, ergo this is fake and does not work. You charged energy into your body with nowhere to go. What is going to happen is, this energy will build in your body, your body will feel gittery, energized, warm, and possible aches. Say your back where a tail would grow. It will not, but you visualized the energy pooling in this area, so naturally that is where it will go. Unfortunately, it has nowhere else to go and nothing to affect, so it just stays there until is eventually returns to its neutral state.

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