Glamour Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Glamour Spell
Gain more beauty, fashion, and fame wherever you go!

Casting Instructions for 'Glamour Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 1 Green Candle
  • Mirror
  • Imagination
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 1 Green Candle
  • Mirror
  • Imagination
First, sit down at any substance you want that you could put a mirror in front of yourself, or if your sitting on the ground, place the mirror facing up at you as it is still visible. Then, place your pink candle to the left of the mirror, and your green candle to the right of the mirror. Light them both, and stare into the mirror, chanting:

''Beauty shimmer, beauty shine, beauty unravels me all the time. I look in thee, with my plea, only to receive some beauty and glee, so mote it be.''

Then, blow out the green candle only, and leave the pink candle lit, and then focus your mind on Aphrodite, to make you more glamours. You can say whatever you want, and do whatever prayer you want, it just needs to be to Aphrodite, so she will give you beauty. As you prayer, imagine yourself with better skin, better eyes, hair, etc, and receive more beauty!

I hoped Aphrodite answered your prayers :D


Added to on Jan 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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If you do not work with Aphrodite, do not call on her. If you do call on her, leave an offering. This could cast a glamour, but be aware no physical changes would occur. The green candle is a little odd in my opinion, but I suppose it could be for earth energy which could include the physical form. Furthermore, it is not very specific, so you may wish to focus on your idea of beauty and how you would achieve this goal.

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