Angel Demon Hybrid Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Angel Demon Hybrid Spell
With this you can choose the color size and whieght of your wings and they will be retractable and you can choose how long they take to grow in minutes.

Casting Instructions for 'Angel Demon Hybrid Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Say this 3-5-10 times 10 makes you more powerfull:  


  "Gods and Goddesses of the Sky, I wish to be half angle half demon, my wing shall grow in (minutes you want them in) they shall be retractible so I can hide them, my wings will be (length in inches) long and strong for flight, they will weigh (weight in pounds), their color will be (choose a color), make this me at once, make me half angle half demon, So mote it be."


Added to on Feb 02, 2016
Last edited on Feb 04, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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How long does this take to work

Jul 29, 2019
it won't work, you are human, you cannot change this fact.

You cannot become an angel/demon hybrid with Real Magic.

Honestly I don't think people that practice magic are human because humans are more evil and vicious and murderous than anybody else or any other supernatural creature yeah there's some that are truly evil and that just kill for fun and witches live longer than normal people

Oct 22, 2022
Joseph, this is not a roleplay site. People who practice magic are human. Practicing magic cannot turn someone into something else. I am leaving the comment to remind others: This site is not for playing pretend, even in the comments of fake, fantasy, or trick spells. It's meant for entertainment only, so have fun reading some of these nonsense spells. But this is not a place to pretend to be anything you are not. You can do so in your own time as much as you like, however.

Oct 23, 2022
Witches live longer than normal people? What evidence do you have to support those claims? Maybe some live a healthier lifestyle [yoga, growing their own food, avoiding fast food] but there's nothing preventing a non-witch from living a certain way [see cottagecore and Pinterest witches] Also you don't think witches are human? We are. That's like saying Jewish people aren't human. We have a specific [usually religious] belief, but that does not make us superior or a new species. We're human. We simply connect with the magick around us and live a more nature-based spiritual path [not all, but most witches follow a type of religion] There are even Christians who practice a form of witchcraft. One is not better than the other. Morality is also subjective. To quote Morticia Addams ''what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly''

This will not work. Magick will not work this way.

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