A God Hex Note

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► A God Hex Note
This hex makes you a god but also helps by making other spells work.

Casting Instructions for 'A God Hex Note'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice

Say 3 times:


  "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, grant me my wish, hex me to make me a god, I god gifted with powerfull magic, with the power to create anything I want, with the power to do anything, as soon as the moon rises, as soon as nighttime is reborn, so will I rise up as one of the gods, reborn and reawakened as one of you for all eternity, this is my wish, so it shall be."


Added to on Feb 06, 2016
Last edited on Feb 13, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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We are already God's and Goddesses, we just have to realize it and learn how to use our powers. If you truly seek the answers, I have them. This spell will not work simply because it is already done.

Feb 14, 2019
So saying we are all divine and can connect with the divine is one thing [and I would agree with you on that point] but telling people they are actual gods/goddesses and just need to ''awaken'' there power, no. You are human. It's not a matter of belief, you were born human, and in this lifetime you are human. Nothing will change that.

You cannot become a god, nor will a spell make it possible to cast every spell perfectly.

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