Transformation Ceremony

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Transformation Ceremony
A spell work to physically transform yourself, biokensis with a Shinto necromancer's addition.

Casting Instructions for 'Transformation Ceremony'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself.

Well firstly, I will not explain biokensis, becuase you are to look it up yourselves, and secondly in addition to the biokentic commands your giving your power,summon up one of the youkai, learn whom they are b using and summon up your ancestors.

Still your mind my students, and become mellow. Now visulize yourself at a beach, I encourage ya'll to make the beach anyway ya'll wish as in, an Earthling beach or any kind, you need to distract your brain from physcality, then tell yourself in first person, the following magical words. ''I am transforming into my desired form.'' Then return by counting up from zero to ten, and visualize what you desired to be, and create a psonic shape and mental golem or rather tulpa to strengthen this work, listen to what the yokai and your ancestors have to say, then take the psionic shape, I only make triangles becuase, one I weaponize them, and two, fuckin' circle casting is not a magical work, it is a lie, three the triangle resemble the all powerful and mighty vagina, I apathically love my mother to her tits.

Now send the psonic shape to your gut and tulpa to your whole brain and finish with the following words. ''Domo Tatarigami of Yomi and Hell it's self I am thanking your unholiness and holiness for this evloution that I have needed in my life since my last one ended. Peace sign reversed to ya.''

Then meditate whenever ya'll are told to mediate by the yokai, and what not.


Added to on Feb 24, 2016
Last edited on Feb 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into anything.

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