Switch Bodies With Any Girl

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Switch Bodies With Any Girl
You'll know everything they know about 'their self' and remember that you switched bodies with them. However, they known everything you know about 'yourself' and think that they were 'you' since birth.

Casting Instructions for 'Switch Bodies With Any Girl'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture of them (On a device or an actual photo)
  • Five black candles
  • A book of shadows
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture of them (On a device or an actual photo)
  • Five black candles
  • A book of shadows

First you need to place the black candles in a circle around you. Place your book of shadow in front of you in the circle. Place the picture of them on top of the book of shadows. Light the candles

Chant: "Ay bored of self, thou bored of mind I cast this spell for man kind. Transform me *Name* and make me thou. For ever more, no turning back. Thou needs no memory of their past. Ay know all, thou the same. Now make this work. Ay and thou, *Name*' "


Added to on Feb 28, 2016
Last edited on Nov 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Where can get a real book of shadows?

May 31, 2019
A book of shadows is an individual magickal journal for a practitioner. You can use notebooks, ring binders or fancy leather books. They can be found online, but made by the practitioner, it is unusual for anyone to sell their personal book of shadows.

May 31, 2019
If you're expecting an ancient spell book with ''real spells'' that's not what a book of shadows is. As HearthWirch explained it's basically a witches personal journal where they write down terms, spells, moon phases, successful castings, rituals, dreams, and anything else that would help them on their personal path. It can be a notebook, a word document, or a hand made journal with leather binding and crystals attached to the cover. Whatever works for you really. What it isn't however is some enchanted book with spells like levitation or teleportation, gifted to a witch by an ancient master on a dirt road at midnight [or whatever else pop culture has lead one to believe] if you are lucky you might be gifted one by another witch in your family, but you can always start the tradition yourself [i hope to make a nice one to pass on one day myself]

Jun 01, 2019
Okay, so I can really use anything that resembles a notebook? Cool. Thanks for the help. Also, do any of you know if this spell actually works or not? Or if there's a spell out there that's like this but temporary (basically where you switch places with someone for as long you like, then go back when you are done) and can be used multiple times? Anyways, again for the help.

You cannot switch bodies with people.

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