Become a Witch

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become a Witch
My previous become a witch spell had typos and missing information. The incantation will be the same, there will just be more information on the spell page.

Casting Instructions for 'Become a Witch'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture of the full moon/ looking at the full moon
  • An image in your mind of what you would like and what powers you chose
  • A friend (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture of the full moon/ looking at the full moon
  • An image in your mind of what you would like and what powers you chose
  • A friend (optional)

1. Sit down outside on a full moon. If there is not a full moon, sitting outside is fine. Sitting inside is fine too, just be sure to have a picture of a full moon.

2. Imagine, while saying the spell, you using your powers. Imagine you being amazingly happy using whatever elements you chose.

3.Say three times:



"Oh spirits of the great witches please listen to my plea. I wish to be one of you so I can fly joyful and free. I wish for the power of (element) and (element). I beg and plea for the power of wonderous flight as well as to wish anything I desire for myself and others. I ask for amazing agility, the strength of 10 men, and entrancing beauty. I plead and pray for my magical power to be heightened so every spell I or others have devised would work. Oh spirits of the great witches I will ask for only one thing more. I ask for you to awaken the power buried so deep inside of me and let me have complete control of it. I thank you and bless you for listening to my calls.
So mote it be."




4. If you are with a friend say it together.

5. Spell works in one week.
Side affects
-Possible vomiting(rare)
-Random power surges(only for the element you chose)
-Witch dreams(such as you flying and/or using your powers
Elements achievable:
List of Hidden powers:
Mind reading
- Precognition
- Healing/Empathy healing
- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
- Retrocognition
- Memory absorption
- Mind control
- Emotion control (love inducement, hatred inducement etc.)
- Psychic shadow
- Empathy
- Dream manipulation
- Inhuman beauty (you do get this but you might get beauty that is even beyond witchs')
- Power bestowal
Abilities gained as a witch:
-Amazing beauty
-Unlimited wishes
-Your hidden power revealed
-The two elements you chose
Good Luck with this.


Added to on Jun 24, 2016
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Witches are real people who practice witchcraft. They are not like the witches you see in movies who fly on brooms and command flying monkeys. They are real people who may occasionally call on natural energy to help during difficult times. No spell will make you a witch, study and practice will.

This is real?

May 24, 2021
No, it is 100% nonsense. If you want to be a witch, study witchcraft.

Nov 14, 2021
No. Study and practice witchcraft if you want to become a witch. But it won’t be like in the movies where you ride a broom that won’t be possible.

won't work.

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