To become one with the Earth

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► To become one with the Earth
This is a simple spell to become one with the Earth

Casting Instructions for 'To become one with the Earth'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A woodland area surrounded by nature
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A woodland area surrounded by nature
Go to the Nearest woodland area
you must have trees surrounding you stand still and close your eyes for a few moments and think of Earth a Plant or Tree growning think of a Magical aura surrounding the treethink of Magic being the reason the Tree is Growing
Open your eyes then Chant 3 times

I am one of Peace,
Never to have harmed nature or to have made it seis.
Powers of nature flow through me,
The power of the elements rise,
I call upon you now to see,
I Tell no lies,


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I disagree with the chant, but taking a walk in nature, placing your hand on a tree, and feeling the energy are things you can do to connect with the Earth. You can also meditate outside, listen to the natural world, or take a barefoot walk and ground yourself.

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