Make Moon Water

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Make Moon Water
I will teach you how to make moon water.

Casting Instructions for 'Make Moon Water'

This spell is part of our Moon Magic Series.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • A glass bottle
  • A bowl of any kind
  • Clear stones (handful)
  • A full or waxing moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • A glass bottle
  • A bowl of any kind
  • Clear stones (handful)
  • A full or waxing moon

Take some water and put it in the bowl and add your clear stones. Then set the bowl in a place where the moon will shine on the bowl. Then sit down next to it and say:


"Goddess of the moon
Help me please.
Give this water
The energy that I need."


Then thank the godess and leave the water over night and bottle it up in the morning and you are done!!


Added to on Nov 13, 2016
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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What can you use moon water for?

Jul 25, 2019
cleansing, blessing, basically anything you need the moons energy for. many use it for divination, skrying, and blessing the tools they use in psychic workings [tarot cards, oracle cards, runes, pendulums, so on]

Jul 21, 2020
and also to put on your third eye if you do that ritual.

i drank this water and it really worked! it gave me much energy and it clensed my sprirt. thank you!

Apr 26, 2021
So you can drink it also....Well I hope it works for me too.

What if I don't have clear stones?? Will it work just fine then too??

Apr 26, 2021
You don't need them. Moon water is water charged in moonlight [solar water is water charged in sunlight] simply place a bowl of water somewhere where the moon's rays will fall on it, then leave it for a few hours [over night is best, but you should cover it before sunrise because the energy can be changed thanks to the sun] then place it in a bottle and leave it in a cool dark place [cupboard or fridge if you can trust your family won't drink it] and use as needed. Crystals can give further energy to water but research the crystal as some can become toxic if you place it in water.

Does it have to be a glass bottle? Can it be plastic?

May 11, 2021
Glass is preferred by most, but you can use plastic and there won't be any problem.

Can it be done without the stones?

So is cleaning the jar out with incense required?

Can I still do this even if its cloudy at night

This does sound plausible, but moon water is water left in moonlight. The moons energy charges the water. You then cover the water before the sun touches. Leave water in the moonlight for an hour is all you need to do. No chant, no crystals, herbs or special water. Anything else is personal, not mandatory to make moon water.

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