Beauty Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Beauty Spell
This spell can change anything you want about your body!

Casting Instructions for 'Beauty Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself
  • Mirror
  • Imagination
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself
  • Mirror
  • Imagination
  • Voice

In this spell, you can change anything you want on your body, your hair the colour of your eyes, your weight, anything. So, look in the mirror and decide what you want to change and visualize yourself the way you want to look. then, say:


"This is the way I want to look. please beautiful goddesses from above, this is my wish from you. Please grant it please will you."


Then keep that image in your mind for the rest of the day. Don't look in the the mirror for the rest of the day or else the spell won't work.


Added to on Nov 17, 2016
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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When does the spell take effect?

Physical transformation is not possible with Real Magik. As outlined, this spell does not work. You would need to edit the spell and change your daily routine to achieve these results.

Aug 03, 2023
Whats the point in all these spells if they won't work?? I don't get it. All of ur comment on many other spells say they don't or won't work... please point me to a spell that will help me brake down this wall I have built around my abilities and gifts.. ever sense my fiance passed 9 months ago and seeing his spirit in a pic I took a week after he passed I've blocked everything and can't seam to brake that wall down..

Aug 03, 2023
Those are spiritual blocks your mind has placed on you to deal with the grief. There is no spell or quick fix for it. You will need to do cleansings, healings, meditation, shadow work, journaling, and start rebuilding your craft from the ground up. You could also pay for a reiki healing or other energetic healing, but you need to be careful of scammers, so I recommend working with a counselor around your grief and slowly return to daily practice. Look up shadow work journal prompts surrounding grief as well as guided energy meditations. A cord cutting might help, but that would be further down the road when you feel ready to cut the energetic bonds.

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