
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Youthful
Do you want to smooth out your face? Do you wish to glow like the sun? If so, this is the spell for you.

Casting Instructions for 'Youthful'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 small block of air drying clay
  • 1 glass goblet
  • A source of warm water
  • A window
  • A sink
  • A small stick to mix
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 small block of air drying clay
  • 1 glass goblet
  • A source of warm water
  • A window
  • A sink
  • A small stick to mix
  • This spell must be performed at night.

Fill the glass goblet halfway with water and let cool. Place the small block of clay into the goblet and use your stick to mash it until the water is the color of the clay. Press your finger into the bottom of the goblet and push the solid chunks of clay to the bottom of the cup. Bring to a window where you can see the moon and pray to your god/goddess:

''Oh, (god/goddess)
Bless this clay
Make me youthful, please, today.''

Bring to a sink and pour the water out. There should be clay stuck to the bottom of the goblet. Mix the clay until it is a creamy paste and apply to areas you which to look younger. Wait until the clay is completely dry and wipe away with a wet cloth.


Added to on Dec 09, 2016
Last edited on Aug 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This might cast a glamour. I would purchase/make a clay mask, face wash, or other beauty product, charge it with energy, place it in the moonlight and ask for a blessing. When I apply it, I would visualize my desired outcome.

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