Inflate with Goo

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Inflate with Goo
Use goo to develop a large, sticky tum

Casting Instructions for 'Inflate with Goo'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • •Dark room
  • •Your voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • •Dark room
  • •Your voice

First of all, prepare the room for the summoning. Simply block all outside forms of light (close windows, turn lights off, etc.)


Then, sit down in roughly the middle of the room, and chant three times:


"Belly, belly belly. Why is it so empty? Give me a creature, inside to make my belly a prominent feature."


After three times of chanting this, the creature should be inside you, a way to tell if the spell worked is if you begin to feel very hungry a few hours after casting, or if your belly begins to bulge outwards on it's own.

Be warned, this spell is permanent, so you should give it some thought over whether you want this belly bulge forever.


Added to on Dec 12, 2016
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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what is the goo?

Feb 22, 2019
The ''goo'' isn't real, this is a fake spell, there would be no goo.

Repeated it 3 times and I feel strange....

May 23, 2019
Placebo, this doesn't work because this goes against nature [you can't create life from nothing, or grow ''goo'' inside yourself] and magick doesn't contradict nature, it works within the laws of nature.

Aug 09, 2019
I am going to try this at 3am

Apr 10, 2020
Nekoshema if life can't be created from nothing, then what did the first life on Earth come from?

Apr 10, 2020
Are you seriously trying to go ''aha gotcha'' because there's an unknown point that began life? From abiogenesis [the process of life coming from non-living organic organisms after millions of years of evolution] it doesn't disprove the fact you cannot create life by saying a few words. This spell claims you say some words and poof, it works. That isn't possible, nothing in nature happens like that. We know how life is created, we know evolution takes centuries to transform into the creature we know today. Because life formed from organic compounds after millions of years of growth doesn't mean this spell works. Try it yourself, I assure you nothing will happen.

this spell is a disgrace on this website. because there's kids on here. most likely more than adults! ¬_¬

Nov 05, 2020
So, your account will be gagged. The site states anyone under 13 isn't permitted to use the site, so if you're a kid, you're getting gagged. Rules are rules. If you're over 13, the theory is you're old enough to know the difference between reality and fantasy. [does that answer your question, Jamestron?]

Fake, but really why the tentacle stuff? Y'all weirdos

What I'm curious about is why would anybody even want this to happen?

Apr 13, 2022
There are stranger fetishes out there.

This is fake.

I did this and I felt hungry immediately afterwards. For some reason I felt compelled to do this spell.

Apr 14, 2022
While you will not develop a ''a large, sticky tum'' as the outline suggests, if you charged energy, it has to go somewhere. Since the chant mentions your stomach being empty, it is fair to assume it would go there. Similar to how too much energy can give someone a headache, or too little can make them tired.

I don't even understand why would you do this people use this seriously people use this websites seriously not as a place to display their Kinks please stop...

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