Activating Your Powers

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Activating Your Powers
If you'd like to become a witch, this is the most promising spell. If you would like to go a step further than any True Witch and become a Gemini Witch, join Spells Of Magic site and message me please.

Casting Instructions for 'Activating Your Powers'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 towel
  • 2 candles (only coloured red, yellow, or white)
  • salt (bathing salts are more powerful)
  • hard surface
  • belief
  • cold water in a relatively large bowl (not a plastic bowl)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 towel
  • 2 candles (only coloured red, yellow, or white)
  • salt (bathing salts are more powerful)
  • hard surface
  • belief
  • cold water in a relatively large bowl (not a plastic bowl)
Place the towel on a hard surface. Take the candles and put one on each end of the towel (lengthwise), making sure they're parallel to each other. Take the salt, and sprinkle it into a visible circle shape on the towel. Put the bowl of cold water in the centre of the salt circle. Chant the following three times, starting at a whisper, and ending at a shout:
factus liberatio heka
Dunk your face in the water for as long as you can.
Go to sleep within an hour of the spell. It will take a while for you to be sleep, but you will eventually. When you awake, your Powers should be activated. Within two days, you must choose your magical path: Elemental Power, Healing Power, or the Gemini Path*.
After choosing your path, you can only do the Chosen magic. If you don't Choose, your magic will close forever. To choose Elemental Power, you must take a leaf from the ground, put it in a bowl of water and chant once: elementum factus
To choose Healing Power, dip your finger in water, smear it across your forehead and chant: factus medice
Good luck on your Witching journey!

*Choosing the Gemini Path takes another set of incantations. Message me through this site for additional information on how to choose the Gemini Path. I will not publisize the incantation, for it is different for every Witch.


Added to on Dec 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Are there other kinds of magic or I can chiose just between Healing gemini and elements?

Mar 10, 2019
To become a witch is to study and practice witchcraft, a spell is not going to be able to give you powers.

hey geminiwitch can you message me id like more info but im new on this site an still learning

Jun 27, 2019
Gemini witch doesn't appear to be a member of the site anymore, so you can't contact them.

Hearthwitch, I went through your profile and I get it. Anyway I need your help with candle magic. Can you help

Aug 10, 2019
if you read her profile, you would see the line where she said she doesn't teach, also just mail her directly, but most important of all, you can google your question. you could also type ''candle magick'' into the sites search engine.

I want to choose the gemini path

To be a witch is to practice witchcraft, you do not need a spell to activate your powers. No spell will ''activate'' your ''hidden powers.'' You might be skilled at, say, healing, but do not know it, but a spell will not awaken these abilities. Practice will.

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