Shapeshift into anything!!!!

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Shapeshift into anything!!!!
This spell will allow you to shape shift into anything or person or your most desired look but you can't shapeshift into mythical creatures.please message me if this works for you.

Casting Instructions for 'Shapeshift into anything!!!!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself voice energy (belief) 5 white candles (0ptionale) but will give the spell more power highly recommended.if you don't have candles find something from outside like leaves and place it around you if it dosn't work try try try again please leave me positive messages if you have any concerns or questions thank you
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself voice energy (belief) 5 white candles (0ptionale) but will give the spell more power highly recommended.if you don't have candles find something from outside like leaves and place it around you if it dosn't work try try try again please leave me positive messages if you have any concerns or questions thank you
Say 1x After saying spell chant ''by the powers of three mote it be'' ''then blow out the candles One at at time in clockwise rotation they need to be in a circle around you if you choose to use candles be careful ''I call upon the gods to give me the ability to shapeshifte into anything I want whenever I want this is my will so mote it be!'' Spell can be said anytime of day outside or inside.make sure you are alone do not rush spell and try not to put much thought on it and focuse on the outcome of what you want out of this spell dont doubt it ether.after a few hours try to shape shift!!!!


Added to on May 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Have you successfully shapeshifted? I am intrigued

Mar 28, 2019
You can't physically shift. That's impossible.

Aug 15, 2019
are you an animus

Oct 14, 2019
Shapeshifting means that you MENTALLY become a different animal. If you're shapeshifting into a hawk, for example, you're not PHYSICALLY becoming a hawk. However, you temporarily take on the characteristics of a hawk, and you FEEL as if you're actually a hawk. Thus, it is more than just IMAGINING that you're a hawk. Today, I actually came close to shapeshifting into a hawk (completely by accident), and I hope I can do it again.

It doesn't work i tried it! And it breaks magick laws!

just did the spell. hope i'm believing enough

No amount of belief will make physical transformation possible. Real Magic is a natural energy that does not defy nature. Physical transformation defies nature, ergo it will never work.

This spell is a fake because you can’t use magick to change your form. Because magick is part of nature not a force that can do anything even if it’s not natural

Skin walker are known to take another's shape

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