Fairy Ointment *WORKS*

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Fairy Ointment *WORKS*
I have tested this spell on several people including myself.
And it works brilliantly!
Side affects may occur!

Casting Instructions for 'Fairy Ointment *WORKS*'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Food Colouring of your choice
  • 5 petals of your choice
  • Fairy Dust(other spells)
  • A pretty glass vile,
  • Large bowl of Water,
  • Honeydew(morning dew mixed with honey)
  • One of your hairs,
  • Small scissors.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Food Colouring of your choice
  • 5 petals of your choice
  • Fairy Dust(other spells)
  • A pretty glass vile,
  • Large bowl of Water,
  • Honeydew(morning dew mixed with honey)
  • One of your hairs,
  • Small scissors.
Firstly take your food colouring it should be the colour you want your wings and hair colour to be, your 5 petals they should be the type of flower power and type of fairy you wish to be! Then take your water
Put your flower petals in the water with your food colouring stir with your finger (your finger must be covered in your saliva) Leave overnight.
Next morning take your bowl and remove the petals. Now place your ointment into the glass vile DO NOT FILL IT and sprinkle in some fairy dust and stir with a thin spoon.
Now take your hair and cut it into tiny pieces with your scissors and sprinkle into your vile now take your honeydew and dribble into until it is full.
Leave your mixture overnight again.
Then next morning run a drop on each of your shoulder blades wait for three days.
YOUR shoulder blades will ache and you will feel dizzy.
A small shot glass of honey dew will cure it.


Added to on May 28, 2017
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a fairy. It does not matter if you claim you and your friends are fairys, you cannot become another creature because that is not how Magic works.

Aug 03, 2019
One might not become one may build a bond with them but they munst be banlence between the realms

Aug 03, 2019
I have connected with and worked with fairys my whole life. This ''spell'' is not that. This nonsense is claiming mixing food colouring, petals, and hair will physically transform you into a fairy. That is the part I take issue with as it can not happen.

Where will I get the fairy dust, Do not tell me that this is fake tadashi It works perfectly

Apr 29, 2020
finally someone is like this, someone who isn't brought down by others saying it's all fake.

Apr 30, 2020
To be fair, not every spell on this site is fake, most just automatically go towards the ones that don't work. Also, if you want to learn about faeries and how to work with them, talk to Tadashi, he works with faeries [I saw two when I was in my teens, but I see them all the time at his house] You can work with them similar to Dragons or angels, but there are still natural limitations on the physical plane. You can't transform into one, but you can work with and befriend them.

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