Change into the opposite sex

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Change into the opposite sex
This spell totally transitions you into the opposite sex overnight. You must have what you want to look like in mind, and it will most likely work.

Casting Instructions for 'Change into the opposite sex'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A candle of any colour
  • A wet towel (for safety, because of the candle)
  • An image in mind of what you want to look like
  • A pen/pencil (rubber is optional)
  • 2 sheets of any kind of paper
  • A pen/pencil of a colour representing your current sex and another one representing the opposite sex
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A candle of any colour
  • A wet towel (for safety, because of the candle)
  • An image in mind of what you want to look like
  • A pen/pencil (rubber is optional)
  • 2 sheets of any kind of paper
  • A pen/pencil of a colour representing your current sex and another one representing the opposite sex
1. Light the candle (be careful, don't get burnt) and place it on the wet towel.
2. Look at the candle flame and imagine your form.
3. With the pen/pencil, write on one of the sheets of paper all the properties you want to have as the opposite sex.
4. Fold the paper in half and put it under your pillow.
5. Colour one side of the paper in one colour (it can be a scribble, as long as it goes over the full length of the page) and the other in the other colour.
6. Fold the paper in half so the side that is coloured in the colour that represents the opposite sex is on the outside.
7. Hold the paper close to your face and say these words:
''I wish to become the opposite sex,
It is who I am meant to be,
Be fair to me, life, do not punish me with my unwilled body,
Make me what I feel is right.''
8. Put that paper under your pillow.
9. Try to picture your form while falling asleep. You should have dreams about that form the night/nights before you become it. In 1-5 nights, you should wake up in that form. This may not work the first time, so have belief in the spell and be patient. Message me with any questions ^w^


Added to on Jun 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Totally doesn't work. Humans cannot change gender at will and therefore magick won't do it [if it did I know a number of friends I would of helped to save them time and money instead of going through gender reassignment surgery]

Jun 07, 2019
I honestly wish magic could’ve helped me so I wouldn’t have had to go through it. So I do agree with you.

Magik does not create physical changes like gender. At best, you could cast a glamour to make people perceive you how you want to be.

Sep 26, 2023
bro you keep spelling magic wrong

Sep 27, 2023
He's not. ''Magic'' and ''Magick'' are two different things. [the spelling determines the type you're talking about] Magic with a C is fake [think movies and stage magicians] while Magick with a K refers to the spiritual energy real-life witches call on. [also, it can be spelled a number of different ways such as magik, majik, majic, majick and magique, but magick is the most common way]

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