Special Dingo shifting spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Special Dingo shifting spell
u can turn into a dingo (Australian version of a wolf), dingo is canis lupis, just like the wolf, which proves dingos r Australian wolves.

Casting Instructions for 'Special Dingo shifting spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • any moon
  • day or night
  • inside or out
  • belief
  • concentration
  • MUST LIVE IN AUSTRALIA 4 THIS SPELL 2 WORK (might be lucky 2 get this spell 2 work out side australia)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • any moon
  • day or night
  • inside or out
  • belief
  • concentration
  • MUST LIVE IN AUSTRALIA 4 THIS SPELL 2 WORK (might be lucky 2 get this spell 2 work out side australia)
sit down anywhere and chant 2-3x

In the sandy desert where four paw tracks lay, a shaggy dingo comes to play, the golden fur coloured like the desert sand, eyes like the brown mud around the water hole, with no bark, with no aggression i shall live in peace with humans, i shall only eat kangaroos, with the power to shift into a dingo and back at will, i will prevent myself from being killed, devour my soul with a dingo soul and let me rain as the dingo i become, SO MOTE IT BE!

side effects

please mail me side effects


Added to on Jun 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically shapeshift into a dingo.

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