
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Succubus
This is my own spell and it will turn you into a succubus demon. My friend and I tested it out and it works!.
Depending on how experienced you are by casting spells the spell will work after three days.

Casting Instructions for 'Succubus'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 match
  • 1 dried up rose
  • Picture of what you want to look like as a succubus (with color)
  • a mirror
  • bathroom
  • alone
  • night time (best around 11pm-12am)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 match
  • 1 dried up rose
  • Picture of what you want to look like as a succubus (with color)
  • a mirror
  • bathroom
  • alone
  • night time (best around 11pm-12am)
Draw yourself as a succubus try to draw it as best as you can.
Write information about it next to the drawing (height, weight, strengths, weaknesses, etc.) Go to the bathroom and place the candle in front of the mirror and light it with the match, set the picture next to the candle and hold the dry rose in your dominant hand. Place your other hand on the mirror and close your eyes.

Chant 5 times while imagining yourself in your form.
''O Demons I call to thee,
bestow on my other form,
this form will be a demon,
but not just any demon
A succubus,
the picture i have drawn is what i want to look like in that form.
I will be completely in control over my actions and behavior,
I will have unlimited power,
Women will be jealous over my looks and the men will adore me.
I can transform into this form anytime i want,
To transform into my demon form i must say my full demon name which will be (Succubus name),
To revert back to my human self i must say my full human name which is (your real name),
so as i say So Mote It Be!''

Go outside crush the rose and burn it with the candle
Don't look into a mirror for 3 days or spell wont work!

Side effects:
headaches (if you drew horns)
hurting tail bone (if you drew a tail)
lustful and aggressive
sharper teeth
look similar to your succubus form


Added to on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work. You cannot physically transform with Real Magik. If you are trying to summon a succubus, this is not how either.

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