Become A Crystal Gem From Steven Universe Version 2
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Become A Crystal Gem From Steven Universe Version 2
In my first spell on this topic required you to watch a video for a long period of time. In this one you don't have to. This spell will kind of be like alchemy mixed with pop culture witchcraft.
Casting Instructions for 'Become A Crystal Gem From Steven Universe Version 2'
You will need the following items for this spell:
-The gem you want to be
-A custom doll to look like you
-A custom doll to look like you as a Crystal Gem
-A candle in the color of your gem
-Things to represent your gem, its powers, and your gem weapon
-A full or new moon
-Lighter or matches
You will need the following items for this spell:
-The gem you want to be
-A custom doll to look like you
-A custom doll to look like you as a Crystal Gem
-A candle in the color of your gem
-Things to represent your gem, its powers, and your gem weapon
-A full or new moon
-Lighter or matches
First make sure that you clean, cleanse, and ward off any spirits in a room that is completely empty of people. Once you do that cast a circle big enough for your items and for you to sit in. If you want draw a transmutation circle inside the circle big enough for you to sit in but have the items on the points of it. Place the things that represent your gem, its powers, and gem weapon on the outside of the circle and sprinkle them in saltwater. Go back into the circle. Wait till Midnight. When it Midnight take the candle and imagine a pentacle. If you have a transmutation circle look at the pentacle in it and place it where the point the represents Akasha is. Next take the doll that looks like you and place it on the point that represents Fire. Next take the doll that looks like you as a gem and put it on the point of Air. Take the gem and place it on the point of Earth. Then put the rest of your saltwater and put it on the point of Water. Stand in the middle facing the candle. Say only once, ''Elements (optional to ask the gods and goddesses too) I call upon you to make this spell magick.'' Light the candle and chant 10x ''I ask of you to change me.'' Take the doll that looks like you and set it on fire. Chant 10x,'' This is me now, this I don't want to be.'' Take the doll the looks like you as a gem hold it close to your chest. Chant 10x, ''This is who I want to be.'' Take the gem and doll and place them in front of you. Chant 10x,''I wish to be a Crystal Gem.'' Now take the saltwater and think about where you want your gem. Take it and rub it on that place and chant till it's all gone. ''This is my will change me now.'' When you are done close your eyes and sit down. Meditate while repeating,''As I will it make it happen.'' Think about your gem, powers, and weapon. When you are done blow out the candle and put out the fire on the doll. Uncast the circle and no matter what, keep the gem and doll close to you till it worked completely!
You cannot become a crystal gem. They are fictional, not to mention an alien race. If you wish to embody their message and form your path around their teachings, that is fine. You will not become a gem and gain their powers.
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