Green eyes

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Green eyes
A spell to change the color of your eyes to green

Casting Instructions for 'Green eyes'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • belief
  • voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • belief
  • voice
chat the following as many times as you like:
Green eyes green eyes, they are what i desire. Green eyes green eyes, pretty like a forest. Green eyes green eyes totally suit me. Green eyes greens eyes are what i desire. Gods and goddesses hear my plea and come and make this true. So mote it be

This is my first spell so if it doesn't work or if there are any side effects please e-mail me and let me know!


Added to on Oct 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This won't work your eye color is based on genetics and you can't change it with a chant

Feb 12, 2021
Just stop if you want to spread hate then leave we dont need people like you to spread all of that nonsense

Feb 12, 2021
Midoria isn't spreading hate, they're stating facts about magick. Magick on the physical doesn't contradict nature, a chant won't alter your eye colour. Buy contacts. I'm sorry if that's hard for you to hear, but it's the truth.

Mar 23, 2021
Nekoshema, WHY ARE YOU ON HERE IF YOU DONT BELEVE IN THIS STUFF!? (Also its spelt magic)

Mar 24, 2021
1. all caps are against site rules so be careful. As for your comment, I do believe in magick, I've been a practicing witch for half my life and counting. The problem is, you're confusing fantasy with reality. While it would be cool to do all the things you see in movies, magick in reality is a natural, neutral force of nature. It only brings natural changes on the physical plane. Humans can't wake up and decide their eyes are a different colour, it's not in our nature, so a spell won't make it work because it contradicts nature and magick doesn't contradict nature. It's ruled by nature. As for ''it's spelt magic'' yes and no. The spelling ''magick'', ''magik'' ''majik'' or ''majick'' [along with a few other varieties] are how real practicing pagans choose to spell the energy we use in spells to differentiate from the fake, fantasy stage magic seen in movies.

Mar 24, 2021
Nekoshema 1 i didnt know all caps was against the rules and 2 i am so sorry i just see ur comments of ''this is fake'' and ''this isnt real'' all over the place

Mar 24, 2021
It's fine, just a friendly heads up about the rules. As for me constantly saying things don't work, I don't. The spells most comment on are fake ones, but I've posted on plenty of working spells and answer questions as needed.

You cannot change your eyecolour with Real Magik.

This is fake, Real Magick cannot alter your physical appearance. I am just Stating the truth like Tadashi and Nekoshema have millions of times. Don’t call me a hater. This stuff is physically unachievable by Real Magick. Example : Random Witch: “Green eyes! Green eyes! Green eyes is what I want. Random businessperson : Imma release a product called Green eyes. For that person that chanted “Green eyes! Green eyes! Green eyes are what I want.”!

Jan 07, 2024
Yes this is very true. The only way you can change eye colour (that I know of) is coloured contacts but even then it won’t change the colour underneath

You cannot change eye colour (unless you have coloured contacts in which you still cannot change your real eye colour) so this is fake

it,s real

Jan 09, 2024
Magic is real, yes. But this spell is ineffectual. Magic still needs to operate within the realm of possibility and it is not possible to effect genetic change by saying a few words and thinking about it.

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